Kristine Irving

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Rule of the Mind #3 - What is expected tends to be realized.

Think of a time in your life that you set a goal and then achieved it. Now, think about the kind of things you thought and said to yourself in the process of achieving this goal. Maybe it was “You got this!”, or “you are amazing!” or “you are a Rockstar!”. This isn’t to say that the journey to get there was a walk in the park, but you had your eye on the prize. And more importantly, you expected to achieve the result. Or why would you go thru all the effort/pain/sacrifice??

I’ve worked with many people over the years and I can tell you with certainty that the ones that expected positive change in their life, got it 100% of the time. Let that sink in, 100%!

So, why oh why do we think and say things that sound like this:

  • I’ll never make enough money doing what I love

  • He is going to break my heart

  • I’ll never get the promotion

  • I’ll try it, but it won’t work

  • I always get injured when I exercise

Our mind hears those statements and obediently creates our reality. It gets even trickier when we say out loud “This is the year I’m going to get in shape” but our subconscious mind is whispering “You’re lazy, you’ve always been lazy, you always will be lazy. You’ll never get in shape.”  We’ve all felt that inner struggle. We truly want to get in shape but this bloody inner dialogue keeps sabotaging our efforts. Why? What possible purpose could expecting the worst serve?

One reason that I see again and again is that this limiting belief is trying to protect us. It is valiantly doing its best to protect us from disappointment, failure, and shame. Sadly, we still feel all those emotions and the cherry on top is we also don’t get the career of our dreams, the love of our life, the promotion, the healing, or the healthy body. We aren’t being protected, we are being limited and we are staying stuck.

To create the reality you desire, be mindful of what you are expecting (and why not expect the amazing?!). As Tony Robbins says “Where focus goes, energy flows.”  If you are focusing on positive change in your life, positive energy will flow towards that event or feeling and make it your new reality.   

This is why I love the recording you listen to every day for a minimum of 21 days after your RTT session—silent that negative subconscious whisper and install powerful, positive messages in its place.

If you’re interested in learning more, book a free 20 minute consult call here.