Rule of the Mind #4 - Imagination is more powerful than knowledge—when you’re dealing with your own mind of the mind of others.
I am fascinated by this rule of the mind. I see evidence of its truth and power daily in my own life and in my clients lives. So why is it that this is probably one of the most difficult concepts for us to grasp? Why is it that when we are faced with a challenge in our lives, our first strategy is to process the problem in our rational minds? To think it through. To gather as much information as we can on the subject.
I see clients with such a wealth of knowledge regarding their particular “issue” they could write a book, do a Ted Talk, or teach a course on the subject. But they still struggle. They are so frustrated that they have committed time and energy to the issue and can’t move past it. That’s because knowledge can only take us so far.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein
For us to truly break out of our current circumstances and move into a world of possibilities we need to bring in the big guns. Put down the books, turn off the podcast and tune in to your own world of imagination to access your limitless possibilities. Here are a few tools to get you started:
Journal. You can use these prompts to awaken your imagination. “If I didn’t have this issue (or belief, or block) what would be possible that isn’t possible now?” “What would I be feeling and doing?”, “How would I be responding and behaving?” “How does it feel in my body?”
Vision Board. If you have never done a vision board (and maaaaybe rolling your eyeballs right now), try it! Your mind responds to the pictures and words you install (stay tuned for more on this ROTM in a few weeks) and a vision board that you look at every day is an immensely powerful way to show your mind exactly what you want.
Meet your Future Self. This is one of my favourite tools to ignite the imagination and feel the energetic power of the quantum field. To help facilitate this beautiful meeting I have created a guided recording that you can find right here. When you are in this deep meditative state you will be able to access parts of your future self that may not have been available to you previously.
I encourage you to bring two words into your everyday vernacular. Just Imagine. Use these two words when you are feeling confused, frustrated, stuck, or lost and experience what life looks like free of limits. You can also use these two words with friends and family that might be feeling stuck or frustrated. Creatively brainstorming with each other, rather than giving advice, is a powerful expression of this rule of the mind and a wonderful way to feel genuine connection.