Rule of the Mind #8 - Your mind responds to the pictures and words you install.
I have always been a big picture kind of person. Details have never really been my greatest strength and something I continue to work on. I have also accepted the fact that we can’t be all the things. I recognize that it’s important for me to enlist help from others that inhabit this unicorn skill.
As the owner of a retail clothing company, I could have never accomplished the things I did without my Dream Team taking care of the details. I think of the charity fashion shows I held every year. I would blow into our brainstorming meetings with ideas, ideas, ideas…and then like magic, on the night of the show I would see everything I imagined turned into a reality. It truly felt like magic, but I realize it was my clear vision of what I wanted that allowed my team to create it. And that’s exactly how our mind works!
When we install clear, positive, empowering images of what we want it’s like we have our very own Dream Team working diligently in the background to make it happen. Installing images and words into your mind can be done in several ways; through meditation as you see in your minds eye what you want, using your innate creativity (we all have it!) with painting, writing, photography is so powerful as you are now enlisting both sides of your brain, and one of my absolute favourite ways to install words and images of what I truly desire is by creating a Vision Board.
I’ve witnessed time and time again with myself and clients, just how powerful vision boards can be. I know, I know, I think I can hear the eyerolls. But, if I may, I believe the reluctance comes from those who might not have truly bought in to this rule of the mind. Who might question that the universe is sitting in waiting to give you what you desire, and that your mind is it’s faithful partner in crime. Always working in the background, to get you what you want.
When we do vision boards it’s not like rubbing a magic genie and praying for a waterfront home with a pool, outdoor living space, and a separate office with its own garden patio overlooking the water, so she doesn’t hear the dogs barking when she’s with clients. I mean, just for example. By the time you are placing images on your board, you have already done the work. You have an idea of what you want, you have recognized that up until now you have not been able to achieve it, and you might even have thoughts on what it is that is stopping you from receiving all that you desire.
And most importantly, you have done the subconscious work to clear out those old patterns of thought, belief, action. You are now open and ready for business. You see more clearly than ever what you want, and you know that it is available to you (ps. It’s available to everyone!). It’s at this point you get out your old magazines, scissors, and glue gun…and go crazy. Ripping out every image and word that lights your heart on fire. You plaster these on a big board (if you’re me…remember the whole details thing. Sorry, I know that was pages ago.) or maybe you choose the digital route and go with Pinterest. Either way, you stare at that baby every single day.
And then it happens.
Something from your board seriously happens. I’ve seen it happen. I’ve had it happen. It’s bloody awesome. Things like beautiful water view images, pictures of giraffes and zebras in Africa, and the words “Carve a new trail”, it all happened (well, Africa is coming but booked and money down). Of course, there are things that don’t make a lot of sense (when was I thinking I would be a gymnast??), and many things haven’t happened yet. But I can tell you that in addition to beautiful views and cool trips were many words that have all become a reality within me. Let me share the ones from a board I did 5 years ago in a workshop I facilitated:
Be daring be different
Life is short
Carve a new trail
Redefine Beauty
Add sexy to your home
Ready Set Go
Together we eat
Mad love
Calm and strong
Stress Less
Open your heart
Sugar (the dog, not the sweet)
Prepare for adventure
Teach heal inspire
Warrior, survivor, courage
Philosophy: the best is yet to come
Just writing this list has filled me with emotion as I reflect on my journey over the past five years. Many of these words and phrases were just a dream and not yet reality at that time. I hadn’t even been introduced to the power of hypnosis yet. But each day I would focus on these images and words and the Dream Team in my mind made it happen.
ROTM #8 totally Rules!