Kristine Irving

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Rule of the Mind #15 - When dealing with the subconscious mind the greater the conscious effort the less it responds.

If you have ever tried to change a deeply ingrained habit with sheer will, white knuckling your way thru, chanting “you will do IT!” in the mirror, and then fail miserably…you, my friend, have been punked by this rule of the mind. You are also in very good company.

Culture (and Nike) has taught us to Just Do It. If we really want to be fit, quit smoking, drink less, earn more, lose weight, reduce stress, find love, or (gasp) love ourselves, we just have to tell ourselves we can do it. The problem lies in the fact that those thoughts and that language is coming from our conscious mind. And if our conscious mind (which sits in our prefrontal cortex and comprises about 5% of our brain) is out of sync with our subconscious mind (the other 95%), we will struggle and more often than not, fail.

Dr Bruce Lipton (author of The Biology of Belief) explains the relationship between the conscious and subconscious in this way; the conscious mind is like a computer and the subconscious is the program running in the background. If we aren’t happy with the way our computer is working and we buy a new computer but install the old software, we will have the same issues. In the same respect, if we simply change the thoughts in our conscious mind (to an empowering “you can do it!” for example) but don’t address the subconscious beliefs running in the background (“you aren’t smart enough”, “you need alcohol to be social”, “comfort food=love and connection”, etc), the issue will persist.

In addition, the more and more we address the conscious effort, the further away we are getting from the subconscious, which is where the root of the problem lies.

So, how do we reduce our conscious effort and get the response we desire from our subconscious mind?

  • Get quiet (ie: the opposite of rah-rah in the mirror). You can do this thru meditation, yoga, or sitting in nature. Allowing yourself to breath and connect to your body. Remembering that the body is where the subconscious mind lives and it will guide you if you let it. You then, listen. What is that heaviness in your chest telling you? How about the burning in your stomach? Is there a constriction in your throat? Notice what comes up.

  • Get curious. As you begin to notice what is coming up for you, maybe you begin to get curious about where these thoughts and behaviours originated. Knowing that most of our beliefs are formed between the ages of 2-7 when we are walking around in a state of hypnosis (theta brain wave). Absorbing everything that’s happening around us. Creating beliefs from what we are told and especially, from what we observe.

  • Get hypnosis. If you feel frustrated and are hitting a brick wall around where your unwanted behaviours began, hypnosis can help you get to the root.

  • Get rewired (or re-programmed). For the computer to work optimally, we need to install an effective and powerful software program. Similarly, for our conscious mind to direct our actions and thoughts in a manner we desire, we need to install a new and upgraded belief system. A belief system that ensures our conscious mind is running from a place of deep knowing that we can do it because we are worthy, we are loved, and we are enough!

If you are struggling to break a habit of thought or a habit of action that is stopping you from living your life confidently, unapologetically, and FREE, set up a complimentary consult call with me. I would love to meet you and see how we can upgrade your inner programming to live the life you desire.


Coach KI-xo