Rule of the Mind #16 - Your thoughts form a blueprint that your mind and body work to make your reality.

A blueprint is a design plan. In the context of building a house, creating a blueprint is the first step and directs the process of designing and building until the project is complete. In the context of building a human, we are designed by a blueprint that is formed by a series of thoughts and beliefs imprinted on us throughout our lives. Most notably before the age of 7, but this blueprint is a “live” design that is constantly changing with significant life events and experiences as we grow and change.

Our subconscious mind and body (same same) are like the builders and contractors. They are constantly referring to the blueprint to determine what choices, actions, and emotions are required to make it a reality. They aren’t questioning the design, but simply doing their job. Now flipping back to the metaphor of using a blueprint to build a house, we need to trust that the Architects and Structural Engineers know what they are doing and can build a sound structure. What if the blueprint says that building a foundation isn’t necessary? That house will come tumbling down.

In the same respect, if we don’t have a trusted “architect” (ie: healthy thoughts and beliefs) for our human blueprint we might feel unsteady, unstable, and like we are falling apart. The good news is we can fire their ass.

Simply recognizing and accepting that your blueprint was likely designed by a confused, scared, impressionable 5-year-old is a good start. Trusting that behaviours and emotions that no longer serve you can absolutely be re-designed and upgraded with a new blueprint. This time, created by an “architect” that knows you are worthy, you are loved, and that you are enough.

That architect is YOU. You are the one with the power to CHOOSE the thoughts that form the blueprint for your life and TRUST that your mind and body will work to make this your reality.

Tearing down old structures and building new ones can feel overwhelming. If you are feeling like you could use someone on your design team, let’s have a chat. You can book a free consult call here.

xo KI


Rule of the Mind #17 (the last one!) - Your mind does not care if what you say is good, bad, indifferent, true, false, healthy, unhealthy, right, or wrong it simply acts on your words regardless.


Rule of the Mind #15 - When dealing with the subconscious mind the greater the conscious effort the less it responds.