Rule of the Mind #14 - What you present to your mind, your mind will present back to you.
If you have been following along with the Rules of the Mind, I’m sure you’ve noticed there are often overlapping messages. This is by design. Firstly, the mind learns by repetition (that was Rule #1) and secondly, when we introduce concepts to our mind, it can be a subtle shift of words that finally gets our subconscious mind to wake up and take note. That’s how I felt about this particular ROTM.
“What you present to your mind, your mind will present back to you.”
Simply by using the word “present”, it conjures up the notion that this is something special we are presenting to our mind. By definition, it means “to make a gift to”. The focus this time isn’t really about those crappy thoughts that are wreaking havoc, it’s about the higher-level thoughts and beliefs you are choosing to gift to your mind.
I remember when I was studying sales and marketing at college, there was an entire series of classes devoted to how we present ourselves in business. This was to be done with thoughtfulness and preparation. You were to determine what it is that you wanted as the outcome and then ensure you are presenting the version of you that would make that happen. I now see how powerful this concept is when the same care and attention is used to determine what is presented to the subconscious mind.
I posted a video recently sharing the number one question I ask all my clients. The answer to this question provides the foundation for presenting powerful, positive messages to your mind and in turn experiencing how your mind presents back the thoughts/beliefs/behaviours that will get you what you truly desire. That question is:
“What is possible for you, that isn’t possible now, if you (insert what you want to present to your mind…ie: were confident, lived unapologetically, released your money blocks, were at your goal weight, etc)?”
The more detailed you can be in your response the more clarity you provide to your mind. Remember my sales and marketing tool; to present with thoughtfulness and preparation. Just imagine what could be possible if we spent the same care and attention we apply at school or in our careers presenting to teachers, colleagues, and customers as do to our own beautiful mind??
Your mind would know that you mean business and dutifully (as it does!) present back to you the life that you now know is absolutely possible.
As always, I am here for you. If you might be feeling stuck with how to even begin to imagine what could be possible, I can help. You can book a free 20 minute consult or email me at I would love to hear from you!