Rule of the Mind #10 - Whatever you focus on you get more of.

Well, isn’t it just perfect that this is the Rule of the Mind that happens to drop in January? The month many of us create a focus word or intention for the new year. We wake up Jan 1 all jacked up on hope and new beginnings with plans to finally reach those goals and create that dream life.  This will be the year I really do it! Right?...right?...

The answer is HELL YES! From the moment that intention is set we are making sure our focus is on what we want and not wasting energy on reasons why we might not achieve it. “Where focus goes energy flows” as Tony Robbins says. So, if we have shouted Hell Yes from the rooftops and committed to focusing on our new and wonderful intention, why do so many of us find our New Years resolutions and intentions fizzle after the initial rah-rah?

The number one stumbling block for not moving forward is being stuck in the suffering of our past.  Even though we can passionately claim our New Years Intention and we really (like really!) want it, there is a mighty force that keeps many of us from reaching it. That force is the energy surrounding events and circumstances of our past.  An energy made up of two things; the meaning we give to past events as well as the emotions attached. So, what the hell is a well intentioned person to do?

Choose the meaning you are giving to past events and circumstances. Yes, you get to choose! If the meaning you attach to a past event brings suffering or dirty pain (that’s the kind of pain associated with crappy thoughts or beliefs as opposed to clean pain like breaking your arm or grieving a loved one), we got work to do! Specifically, we want to look closely at your New Years intention or resolution and get curious about what has stopped you from achieving this goal or state up until now. I am not suggesting that we focus on the past (refer to the above-mentioned Rule of the Mind), but to take control of the narrative and move forward in a new direction. Sometimes, the best move forward is to simply say these four powerful words. That’s not me anymore. Full stop.

Once you shift the meaning you have given to past events, you also shift the emotions attached, and that’s what really changes the game. Dr.Joe Dispenza explains how our thoughts create an energy in the quantum field (ie: your New Years intention) but it's our emotions that create the magnetic energy needed to attract what we desire into our lives. And if those emotions are defined as anything like guilt, anger, regret, resentment, or shame it’s going to be pretty darn tough to attract the good stuff.  But you have now taken control of the narrative. You know you are worthy, you are enough, and that you are not the same person you were in your past (even if that past was just yesterday). Well done!  It’s time for the fun part.

Think about your New Years Intention (or resolution or power word) and allow it to be real in the present moment. This isn’t something you will have or be tomorrow, it’s happening right now! Ask yourself “What is available to me in my life now that wasn’t before?” I want you to list every single thing, big and small. Now, I want you to pay attention to how you FEEL in this new space. Maybe it’s joyful, inspired, fulfilled, peaceful, trusting, sensual, playful, energized, free. Whatever emotion attached to your new intention is attracting it to you, right…NOW.  Buckle up my friend, your ride has arrived. 2022 edition.

Getting free from past narratives and emotions to focus on what you really want can be a tricky business. I can help! Book your free 20 minute consult call today.



Rule of the Mind #11 - You make your beliefs then your beliefs make you.


Rule of the Mind #9 - The mind wants to stay with what is familiar while avoiding what is unfamiliar.