Understanding the Invisible Workload
The Invisible Workload can be described as the cognitive effort it takes to make sure things are running smoothly at home, in relationships, and at work. That never ending list of things to do, plan, schedule, follow up on, and worry about that runs in the back of our mind (usually at around 2am).
When we are under the weight of the Invisible Workload, we believe “nothing will ever change”, we feel angry, overwhelmed, and powerless and this shapes how we express ourselves and operate, often creating results in our lives that increases the weight of the invisible workload even more.
Thankfully we have the ability to rewire our mind and shift that painful belief from powerless to empowered. It’s not only possible, but easier than you think.
Does this resonate with you?
Are you DONE with feeling angry, overwhelmed and powerless?
Do you recognize that the belief that “nothing will ever change” when it comes to getting your partner (or friend, or work associate, or family member) to truly SEE the mental load that is crushing you, is what is causing you the deepest suffering and pain?
Me too!
As someone who really gets it (like really!) I am wildly passionate about helping you re-wire that painful belief and create a life where you feel seen, understood, and empowered.
If you are ready to release this old belief that no matter what you say or do nothing will change but you need help getting there...Let’s do this together! I will use a mix of tools, including hypnotherapy, to help release the emotions that are not serving you and re-wire your subconscious mind to believe that “you are Powerful beyond measure” (shout out Marianne Williamson). When you believe this deeply you will feel open, relaxed, and supported. You will know that it is not all your responsibility. Please say that again…you will know that it is not all your responsibility! You will show up in the world confident, unapologetic, and FREE.
The Deets
Comprehensive Online Intake
4 Power Hour Coaching Sessions
1 Hypnotherapy Session
1 Customized Recording.
You’re not alone in this!
Not able to work with me one-on-one but looking for help with the Invisible Workload? Sign up and be part of my online community to receive FREE resources and ongoing support.
New things coming all the time.